The Brecker Brothers was a musical duo consisting of the late Michael Brecker (saxophone and EWI) and Randy Brecker (trumpet, flugelhorn), known for their commercially successful jazz fusion albums from the 1970's to the 1990's.

In "I Love Wastin' Time With You", from the Brecker Brothers 1975 album release, Back to Back, drummer, Steve Gadd, lays down yet another funky linear groove, incorporating only the Kick, Snare and HiHat.

This groove is a fairly straight forward, nothing tricky in the way of notation, but certainly a challenge when it comes to playing consistently. Notice the open HiHat in the first measure of the two-bar pattern, on the "AND of 4", and the closed HiHat, with the foot, on Beat One of the second bar. Besides making this linear pattern really groove, another challenge lies in the HiHat consistency between accented and unaccented notes.

Steve Gadd - I Love Wastin' Time With You

Brecker Brothers - "I Love Wastin' Time With You"