If you've been licking 'round the bottom of the soul bowl lately, scrounging for every bit and morsel you can find, well check this out! Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings is a funk/soul band that is out to revive the genre from the 60's and 70's, shunning the digital age by capturing their sound using old-school analog recording equipment. Daptone Records even releases the band's singles on 7" vinyl.

How Long Do I Have To Wait For You - drum intro

Listen to the instrumental version of "How Long Do I Have To Wait For You"

This two-bar drum intro, performed by drummer, Homer Steinwess, on the instrumental version of the tune "How Long Do I Have To Wait For You". This has got to be one of the hippest, greasiest drum intros that I've heard in years! The full-mix with vocals is from their 2005 album release, Naturally.

Although I've notated it for you, it's important that you spend some time listening to the actual track to get a good feel for all the nuances. For example, in the first measure, the HiHat is accenting the downbeats, while in the second measure, the emphasis is now on the upbeats. Also in the second bar, check out the Kick drum note placement and emphasis; more weight is placed on the second note of two-note-groupings in the Kick drum.

This drum intro is a classic example of how important it is to get beyond the written notation and really do some listening. It's the nuances that imply the rhythmic displacement which makes this two-bar drum intro as hip as it is.