Famous Drum Company Two by Four Snare Drum, 14x6.5 segmented Spruce wood shell, finished with satin tung oil and varnish.
MSRP $390 (USD)
It’s no joke! The trademarked two by four shell is built from actual 2×4 spruce studs from Home Depot, knotholes and all. Spruce is used in building high end piano soundboards and high end acoustic guitar tops and is known to have very resonant musical qualities. The two by four drum has a very big, fat sound. Un-muted, it sounds like John Bonham’s very open snare on the drum intro to the song “Rock and Roll” by Led Zeppelin. Tuned low and muted with a ring it sounds like Don Henley’s big dry snare on the Eagles song “The Long Run”. Standard hardware are 2.3 mm triple flange hoops, Slingerland type Sound King lugs, and Ludwig P85 type throw off. The HD industrial throw off is no longer available.
Recorded by BAE Productions for the 2009 Snare Drum Olympics in Nashville, TN. Performance by George Lawrence.