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Can Anyone Identify This Perc Instrument??

Started by Tom Hartman, January 21, 2013, 09:13 PM

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Tom Hartman

Hello everyone,

First post here...and I'm kind of in a jam. Been hired to do a cover of this song, and there is a section in it which has a percussion instrument I personally can't identify. It feels like I should know what this is, but I can't place it. It happens at 2:16 in the song "Come Along"...which can hear on YouTube here:

It's a bell like sound, but with short decay like a cowbell..no real pitch to it....darned if I can figure it out.

Any help appreciated if anyone knows out there!

Thanks so much,

Bart Elliott

I can't be absolutely for certain, but it sounds like a muted Agogo Bell. Even if it's not, you could recreate the sound with an Agogo Bell (pitches vary from instrument to instrument) and just dampen the instrument to get the amount of dryness that you need.

A jigger, like what is used to mix alcoholic drinks, can achieve a similar sound.

I don't think it has to be EXACTLY the same sound, just get it close ... assuming your client wants you to reproduce the recording accurately.

If you need the EXACT same pitch, you could always get close and fine-tune the pitch in post-production.