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Playing sober v playing under the influence

Started by alanhodson, October 13, 2005, 07:57 AM

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I can only play sober, I once had a couple of pints of beer before a gig to steady my nerves and unsuprisingly played rubbish so learned my lesson.Our bass player once played with a drummer who couldnt go on unless drunk and according to him the drummer played brilliantly. Any of you any thoughts on this ? I know that most of you are American so I've made allowances for the fact you may not know what real beer is !  ;)  :)

Rusty Beckett

Way back in my "using" days I didn't think I'd be able to play with taking something, be it a couple of drinks or smoking some pot.  Now that I've cleaned up I can't imagine playing under the influence of anything.  If I have something before playing the first thing that goes is my timing so I just don't partake . . .

I don't think it would matter if it was real beer or not, a couple of pints would put me on my backside.  ::)


We have talked about this in depth here.  I personally can play drunk or on drugs and have quite a few times.  Would I want to go into a new situation with new charts or a new song I had never played before drunk or high- no way, I'm not that good of a player.

I'm not here to condone or condemn anyone's lifestyle but I think the majority of us would agree we play better longer when we are sober; combined with a good diet while maintaining our bodies with a healthy lifestyle.

Plus I hate to sweat and when I drink and play drums I sweat more- that leads to a whole other set of problems that I have to deal with.  I'm not a total stiff, but typically I just like to play sober.


Whether or not you "can" doesn't mean you "should" drink on the job (or get high, or do coke, etc.) If someone's paying you and you're partying, you're not being a professional.


Also, you may think, or feel like you're playing very well, but your bandmates may think otherwise... unless their drinking too.

I used to drink alot during gigs/rehearsals. I had a lot of fun doing it back then. Now I don't drink at all during when I play. I've realized I have even more fun sober, plus I don't tire out as quickly on those long nights or power sets.


If I have one or two it makes me a little bit faster or a little longer than I normally could, but after that I'm not satisfied with my playing because I have a tendency to forget certain parts, drop sticks, ect.  Now on the other hand, when I play guitar alcohol inhances my playing ability to an extent that I impress my band mates and others jamming around me.  There is just something about being drunk (or stoned) and playing guitar that brings out all the licks I forgot,as well as the feeling and mood of the music.


Thanx guys for your views, much appreciated. And thankyou Bart for the friendly message ! sorry you had to explain your actions to this dumb new starter to your forum ! Hey Ho as they say  :)

Jon E

"What's the use in getting sober, when you're gonna get drunk again?"
~Louis Jordan

x x

Roger Beverage

Quote from: alanhodson on October 13, 2005, 07:57 AM
I know that most of you are American so I've made allowances for the fact you may not know what real beer is !  ;)  :)

Don't be misled by the national advertising of Budweiser and the like. My area of the country at least, abounds in local micro breweries whose product rivals the best European beers.  We also have access to Guiness and Bass, among others.

Back in my drinking days, there were bands that I played with that I wouldn't have been able to tolerate without a good buzz on.

However; now that I don't drink at all, I have found out that I play much  better when playing straight.



Quote from: Roger Beverage on October 17, 2005, 03:00 PM

Back in my drinking days, there were bands that I played with that I wouldn't have been able to tolerate without a good buzz on.

ah, a different matter entirely!


I'll drink after the second set. That way, it doesnt amount to much before the end of the gig. One thing I have found out, is that if I have even the smallest hangover at all, I SUCK. It happened once, and it'll never happen again.

Nathan Cartier

I find it very difficult to drink and play at the same time.  It makes me feel like i'm playing under water, and it's very difficult to move.  Sometimes I get nervous about singing my harmony parts, and once in a while I may have a very small drink (usually something mixed with water) just to loosen up and get over those nerves.  The more I practice singing, however, the less nervous I feel about it.

I feel that if people are paying to watch me perform, it's my responsibility to give them my best at all times.  I can wait and have a drink after the show, and it will taste just as good, if not better.

*edited for grammar


I don't think I could play with a few beverages in me, like felix said I especially wouldn't want to be tackling new material under the influence.  Having said that I have had bandmates who would have one or two to loosen up before a show, and then play fine.  As far as nerves go I tend to find that once I'm up there I'm fine.


I used to have a large cooler with a case of beer behind me whenever I played 10 years ago. Being a drummer,you're hands are full and it's hard to get a swig,but by the end of the night...I had managed to get mooorre than a "swig".....I drink bottled water these days when I play. I drink when I'm home listening to recreational music or watching the football game....Not on the "job"...after all,that's what it is.
You notice I never addressed the actual question of this post...... :P


Am I a "post ender" or is it just my imagination......................



I've played drunk many times, however, that doesn't mean I played well!  Usually now I'll just have a drink or two beforehand as I stress out before the show. Our lead singer always asks me to do something at the last minute before every show.  I expect it every time, and I'm just a nice guy, plus it's for the good of the band, but lately I've been telling him no. He'll ask that I make up a set list at the last minute, or to make up a couple business cards.  I stress out, get to the venue later than I originally planned, have to set up really quick, I need something to calm me down.  Usually no more than 2 - 3 beers before a show, just enough to feel a slight buzz.

One time (well one time in particular  ;D), I got absolutely hammered.  Not wobbling yet, but good and sloshed.  Had about 10-12 Jack and cokes plus some beer.  We were hanging out at this 40+ bar that's next door to the restaurant our lead singer owns (It's the type of bar that divorcees hang out to hook up).  The music is supplied by a really good cover band.  The band had stopped playing and was long gone, and since our singer is friends with the owner of the bar, 3 of us went up to play.  I could not keep a beat to save my life. I had never been that drunk and tried to play.  It was horrible.  I should have just stuck to the keyboards upstage--at least those we could mute at the sound board  ;)

Quote from: alanhodson on October 13, 2005, 07:57 AM
I know that most of you are American so I've made allowances for the fact you may not know what real beer is !  ;)  :)

Hey, I love Guiness and Harp.  Black 'n' Tan is one of my favorites.  Grolsch isn't too bad either.  Nothing beats a Coors or Coors Light on a hot day--light and refreshing

Dave Heim

I'm not much of a drinker.   I like a beer now and then (Sam Adams and Molsen Golden are favorites) but I'm really more of a Pepsi guy whille on gigs.

We once had a guitar player who felt it was necessary to get wasted before gigs and on breaks.  The difference in his playing was hardly noticable.  It was his lack of professionalism when wasted that got him fired.

How's that joke go?  I only drink when I'm alone or with someone.


Quote from: DaveFromChicago on November 19, 2005, 03:09 PM

How's that joke go?  I only drink when I'm alone or with someone.

or is it "I only drink on days that end in 'y' ".


Some George Thorogood:
The other night I laid sleeping,
and I woke from a terrible dream
So I caught up my pal Jack Daniel's,
and his partner Jimmy Beam
And we drank alone, yeah,
with nobody else