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Started by Jim Martin (cavanman), July 23, 2008, 11:54 PM

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Jim Martin (cavanman)

I was going to jump in on the Sleep Apnea thing because I'm due to go back for my second sleep clinic. They couldn't find a mask that I could fall asleep in last time (ran out of lab time)...

However the big hassle right now is Sciatica. Leg pain in mostly my calf area. The worst is when I'm sitting in my car but it could come at anytime. I've described it like a tornado: The pain comes on like gangbusters and then just goes away..

Anyone dealing with this?
I'm currently in physical therapy with stretches and electrical stimulation. If this doesn't work then the next step is an orthopedic doc and poissibly an MRI (but not 'til I've done the HMO shuffle through the steps described).

The way it's been explained to me sounds like it's a back issue - even though I have ZERO back pain. Something about possible disc compression.

Sure would be great to hear from those who have overcome this stuff.  :P


Todd Norris

Hey Cavanman,

Sciatic is most definitely a back problem.  You don't have to have back pain for it to flare up.  The layman's description is that you have a pinched nerve in your back and the pain sears down the back of your leg.  If it goes all the way down into your calf, then it's a doozy! 

Many people discount chiropractors, but when my back problems started about 10 years ago, I went through all of the so-called "normal" treatments to no avail.  A few sessions with a chiropractor made tons of difference.  I had extreme lower back pain, tingling pain down the back of my legs, and tingly fingers.  All due to pinched nerves in my spine.  The bones were so far out of whack, my hips were uneven and it made it look like one leg was shorter than the other!   With some ongoing therapy, I was totally realigned and pain free. 

Please note that pain free does not mean you're cured!  If you see a good chiro who takes X-rays and does the electro testing (I forget what it's called, but the guy took a ton of measurements, BEFORE I told him my symptoms, and he then told me where the problems were.  He was right on the money! 

Anyway, I'm a firm believer in getting all of the bones in your spine properly aligned and all the nerves unpinched.  No amount of muscle relaxants and ibuprofen will CURE the problem. 

Good luck!


i think of it as a nerve problem--specifically, the sciatic nerve.

it is one of the most painful conditions ever, and i've had 5 terrible bouts of it. my back is less affected than my legs/glute, but i've had a lot of back discomfort, too. sometimes my legs would just totally numb out.

the only things that have ever helped me are deep--and i mean DEEP--massage. to the point of pain; but a great pain; a release. the other thing was this program called Lose the Back Pain, which i highly recommend. it's basically a system of exercises, stretches and education to combat sciatica. comes in video and booklet form. it's put together by some physical therapy/movement type of guy, and it's really 'unprofessional' looking, but there's great info and five of the exercises 'cured' me. i still use them as maintenance/prevention. if i don't stretch, i am useless.

the major caveat with Lose the Back Pain is that once you order, you will get 80 million e-mail solicitations from this company, and they'll try to rope you in to every supplement, additional video, etc. i think all this stuff is very valuable, but it's really frickin' annoying. they are direct mail maestros. still, i have never unsubscribed, because a lot of the info is really good.

to spare you all that, i would be happy to send you a copy of the booklet if you want it [or at least select topics from it]. but you might want to check it out yourself:


oh and yeah--DO chime in on the OSA thread--i love to get feedback!

Jim Martin (cavanman)

Thanks Smoggy!

Yeah, I'd love to see the booklet. I've got so much email coming at me these days that I'd appreciate keeping the 'tree pruned' so to speak.

As a followup:

I'm feeling a little bit better. I started feeling better after the last electro-stimulation session. I'm not confident that is what solved it.

I've also been doing the stretches the doctor recommended at least once a day. The last session I had was last Friday. Friday and Saturday were significantly better. Sunday, the pain came back a bit as well as on Monday and Tuesday - but not as badly as before.

Today has been very good. I have a session this afternoon. I'll keep everyone posted.



cool; i actually spotted the booklet in my apt. last night, so i can make a copy for you. pm me so i can get your mailing addy.

glad you're feeling better!


I have chronic back pain as well.  I think sciatica is what is going on with it.

I can tie back pain directly to how I play drums.  My issues are at their worst when playing drums a lot in a small amount of time.

My problem flares up when I play double bass or do anything that requires my having to balance on my butt and use both legs vigorously.  This puts so much strain on the lower back its insane.

I have learned to stretch before I play this stuff and ease into it.  It has helped but I still have back issues -just not as bad.


Sciatic is a serious back problem i had it so i went to a chiropractor the Posture Exercise designed for your body to retrain poor patterns of body motion it is safe when employed skillfully and appropriately. if you encounter any problems with these poses, you should consult an expert.

http://www.drjamesroman.com/]Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA

Lonnie L. Jones

I'm in total agreement with Drum4JC (Todd)  on this.  I recently sprained a disc in my L-4 lumbar region and my left leg was in excruciating pain.  :'( Now, it no longer hurts, but it's weak and sometimes I stagger like I'm drunk, but I've been sober since 1993.  :o

I found these stretching exercises and they seem to be useful, but check with a professional (chiropractor, physio-therapist, etc) before doing them though.  Not every "cure" is for everyone.

Good luck.  I hope you find relief.

Lonnie L. Jones

Laura Hill

Hey,Thanks..very good information given about sciatica..but i want to know more details about it..Which is a less expensive treatment used for sciatica.?


I second a good chiro and Xrays. The sciatic nerve issues are usually the result of the L4 or L5 disc being out of wack and hitting the nerve. I ruptured my L4 2 years go and after 6 months of physical therapy the pain was still so bad that I could barely walk. Turned out the bone debris from the rupture went into the sciatic nerve canal (MRI revealed) and I had out patient surgery to clean it. No joking, I felt better when I woke up then I had in months.

Another recommendation to ease back pain is walking. Many back issues are related to sitting for long periods of time (office, car, drums, etc.) The motion through the lower back area loosens and strengthens the whole Lumbar region and also has the added beneft of weight loss, etc. I just got back to my hotel room from the exercise room using the treadmill for 20 minutes because my back was stiff this morning. Weather permitting I walk daily, at least 30 minutes and at a decent clip. When I slack off I feel it in my backl and leg first.

Good luck, this type of pain is as bad as I've ever had and I've been stabbed (former job hazard).  :)

Steve Isham

I've experienced 2 bouts of sciatica in the last 12 years, a very painful bout throughout last month, February 2012.  My saving graces are:
Physical therapy,
Back adjustments (similar or same to chiropractic, but performed by my phyiscal therapist), and most importantly
Posture, posture, posture. 
Back rest for my drum throne is also helpful since I had a habit of slouching forward (trying to emulate Buddy Rich ??  :D ).  The back rest on my Roc 'n Soc prevents me from slouching and is very comfortable when resting in between songs when I'm tired.

Tony Lane

My sister experienced this. It really gave her a hard time. She could hardly move.


Quote from: Steve Isham on March 26, 2012, 08:07 AM
I've experienced 2 bouts of sciatica in the last 12 years, a very painful bout throughout last month, February 2012.  My saving graces are:
Physical therapy,
Back adjustments (similar or same to chiropractic, but performed by my phyiscal therapist), and most importantly
Posture, posture, posture. 
Back rest for my drum throne is also helpful since I had a habit of slouching forward (trying to emulate Buddy Rich ??  :D ).  The back rest on my Roc 'n Soc prevents me from slouching and is very comfortable when resting in between songs when I'm tired.

Isn't there any other option? I don't trust chiropractors...