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Pics from the Jimmie Van Zant Show

Started by Hannah Ford, August 28, 2008, 07:20 AM

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Hannah Ford

Hey everyone....

I get asked all the time about posting pictures and admittedly I"m not always as good at it as I'd like to be.

Here's a link to some pics from the Jimmie Van Zant Show I opened for last week.


I hope it works...LOL



Great picks Hannah Montana ;D. Your kit is way cool next to V.Zants tubs. His kit looks......well?.... like he got'm at a rummage sale or thrift shop. Poor guy needs a how to look as good as you play DVD 8). I use to eat at Austins steak house in Omaha quite alot.

Chip Donaho

Good pictures Hannah....Is that Jimmy in the flat hat? If so, I've got a hat just like it stored somewhere. Haven't seen it since before my hospital stay. Maybe Jimmy bought it from my wife?  :o Thanks for the pics. You are the first drummer to give me a B Day present.  8)

Hannah Ford

Quote from: Paicey on August 30, 2008, 12:25 PM
Great picks Hannah Montana ;D. Your kit is way cool next to V.Zants tubs. His kit looks......well?.... like he got'm at a rummage sale or thrift shop. Poor guy needs a how to look as good as you play DVD 8). I use to eat at Austins steak house in Omaha quite alot.

Hey Paicey,

Hello from Los Angeles! Thanks for the note.  Glad you like the pics!  Austins Steaks ROCK!


Hannah Ford

Quote from: Chip71 on August 30, 2008, 01:10 PM
Good pictures Hannah....Is that Jimmy in the flat hat? If so, I've got a hat just like it stored somewhere. Haven't seen it since before my hospital stay. Maybe Jimmy bought it from my wife?  :o Thanks for the pics. You are the first drummer to give me a B Day present.  8)

Hi Chip,

Writing from Los Angeles! 

Thanks for taking the time to drop me a note. Glad you like the pics. Hope your birthday is the best one ever!
