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Drum with dystonia

Started by Gadda, February 26, 2003, 06:02 PM

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Well i got this weird sickness called dystonia, and it breaking my nerves in some way. I was playing in a band before, but quitted because of it. Nowadays i still love to play drums so i bought a e-drumset to play at home as a hobbyist but i guess i will never be able to play in a band again. But still its my music is my my main interrest. I also play guitar. But the thing is i sometimes get cramps in hands and feets so im not really able to play anything of it except those times i feel fine, when i feel like @$%# im not able to do anything.

Anyway i feel like its giving me something anyway to be able to play music by myself, so i guess i will continue no matter what.

my question is ... is there anyone with this weird sickness here? i guess its about 0.001 % chanse but anyway?


Actually it's not all that uncommon apparently. Here's a website to check out to get you started:


I'm sorry that you had to leave your band b/c of it. It's hard when you have to readjust your life to live within the restrictions of your disease, and accept those limitations.  The best thing you can do is educate yourself as much as you can about your illness--there's a lot online--find a support network, whether locally or online, and do what you CAN do, rather than dwelling on what you can't.

I have a chronic autoimmune disease that I've lived with for 28 years. With the help of some rather nasty drugs I've been  in remission for 5 years, but I'll always have the spectre of it hanging over my head--it could come back at any time. So I don't push myself physically as hard as I used to, I get enough rest, don't mentally/emotionally stress myself--I've learned to live within the limitations of my body.


Thanks i will look up thnat website. I
liked the thing you said about concentrate on what i can do instead of what i cant do. Im going to bear that in mind :)