Brian Spaun, President and CEO of Spaun Drums and Scymtek Cymbals has introduced their new Xtreme Series drum kits. The Xtreme Series is designed for speed, punch, and articulation. Specifically for extreme and speed metal drummers who play fast, need good definition, and an instrument that works with them, not against them.
The shell design is 100% Maple. 25% of the shell is 16-ply on the batter side, with the remainder being 8-ply giving you more attack and volume on the initial note while the added mass reduces some of the sustain. The bearing edge design on the batter side is a 30 Degree cut on the inside with a round over on the outside. This promotes nice attack and cut with the round over keeping the sustain more controlled. On the resonant side of the drum there is a full round over which puts more drum head on the shell and shortens the sustain.
All the drums are very shallow for punchy, quick articulation that helps you play faster and with more clarity. Another feature across all drums is Spaun’s full length VTL Vintage Tube Lug. According to Brian Spaun “by having this full length tube lug, we are in a sense “grounding” the shell. It’s more rigid with less ability to vibrate freely. This translates into less overall resonance of the drum which is what we are going for. We don’t want to kill it, but we want to tame it a bit. All of these design elements are part of creating a drum with great tone, a lot of punch and articulation, and helps you to play fast!”
Spaun’s initial offering includes 5 different shell packs in a Black Satin Lacquer Finish with or without Mirror Chrome Striping. Street price starts around $2200.