International Drum Rudiments Playing Cards — A fun and innovative way to familiarize yourself with drum rudiments, here are real playing cards divided into four suits, each representing a different rudimental family: Roll Rudiments, Diddle Rudiments, Flam Rudiments, and Drag Rudiments. Four Jokers are included as well, each containing a brief history of the Standard 26 American Drum Rudiments, the PAS International Drum Rudiments, Hybrid Drum Rudiments, and suggestions on how to practice them.
The pack of International Drum Rudiments Playing Cards is an actual poker-sized deck of 52 playing cards. As many may already know, the Percussiive Arts Society has established the essential 40 International Drum Rudements, expanded from the initial Standard 26 American Drum Rudiments. Since a standard deck of cards requires 52 cards, 12 popular hybrid rudiments (eg. "Cheese", "Flam Five", etc.) were added to the mix.
In addition to the 52 playing cards there are 4 joker cards which serve as historical trivia and explanation cards: "Standard 26 American Drum Rudiments," "Percussive Arts Society International Drum Rudiments," "Hybrid Drum Rudiments" and "How to Practice the International Drum Rudiments."
Each playing card features one drum rudiment, including it's name, explanation of the rudiment, music notation, sticking pattern, and the rudimental family the specific drum rudiment belongs to.
The cards are of high quality and should last as long as any other well made deck of cards. While the color and design of the back of the cards is nice, I was surprised and a bit disappointed there wasn't some sort of drum/percussion reference. I guess one could say the design has a bent towards the engraving you might see on a metal shell snare drum — oh well, not a deal breaker (pun not intended).
The International Drum Rudiments Playing Cards have a street price of $6 USD. They are not only fun to use but educational as well. Any drummer/percussionist would love to own a deck of these playing cards; would make a great gift and excellent 'stocking stuffer' for Christmas.
Even if you are not a card player, with one drum rudiment on each of the 52 cards, you could use the deck like 'flash cards' to familiarize yourself with the drum rudiments, or use them to learn/practice your drum rudiments — one each week for a full year (52 weeks).