
The unique, patent pending drumsticks — HingeStix™, by Sam Ruttenberg, helps drummers feel the rebound better, helps develop finger technique, allows drummers to hold the stick correctly, and helps drummers understand the whipping motion of the Moeller technique.

HingeStix™ are recommended by Bernard Purdie (Aretha Franklin), Joe Morello (Dave Brubeck), Hal Blaine (Simon and Garfunkel), Ray Luzier (Korn), Rashid Williams (John Legend), Jonathan Haas (NYU), Al Payson (Chicago Symphony), and Richie-Gajate-Garcia.

REVIEW 4cups

I found the HingeStix™ to be a great practice tool for aiding and establishing a good fulcrum while working on natural rebounds, finger technique, the Free-stroke and more.

The HingeStix™ is designed to allow for three different settings, giving the drummer/percussionist the ability to position the hinge right where they like to hold the drumstick.

In my own personal use of theHingeStix™, while working on finger-strokes, I noticed that my left hand was slightly different than my right. Within just several days of use, the HingeStix™ helped me isolate a slight variance in my left hand position and correct it.

I highly recommend the HingeStix™ as a useful practice tool for every level player; beginners to advanced, students and teachers. Serious students of the art of drumming will want to use the HingeStix™ to check their technique and fulcrum, just like I did. Drum and percussion educators will want to keep at least one pair of the HingeStix™ handy for the student who is struggling with allowing the stick to free bounce, developing finger control, maintaining a good fulcrum, and developing consecutive rebounds.

Visit Sam Ruttenberg's website at www.SamRuttenberg.com for more information or to purchase the HingeStix™.